Anyone have massaged versions of the Altiga MIBS that the Cisco 3030 VPN
concentrator uses? And better yet, anyone have any trap documentation?
The core problem is I need to alert when the IPSEC tunnel is down. So I either
need a trap or a mib variable to poll. Based on Cisco's response, I'm not sure
either is possible. The tunnel is NOT an interface on the concentrator so the
LinkUp/LinkDown traps don't report the status of a tunnel.
Here is what Cisco gave me back on a TAC case:
Problem Description: Where can I find details on what traps the VPN 3030
concentrator generates. In particular - when a IPSEC tunnel drops.
Please contact customer via email:
The VPN concentrators have limited snmp support and not too many traps are
supported by this device.
Please go to the following page and check all the mibs supported by the version
of code your VPN 3030 is running. The newer code will include the mibs
supported in prior codes.
Mib supported by VPN 3000 conenctrator
Next go to the following page and click on the mibs that are present in the
previous link .i.e that are supported by VPN 3030 and that is present on this
traps page.
The mibs that are not present on this second link means that it does not have
any traps.
Snmp traps in mibs
You can use
translate and lookup mib definitions.
AFAIK, it only sends standard MIB-II traps like linkDown, linkUp etc, but you
can also send VPN3000 Events
as SNMP traps (these Events are NOT defined in any MIBs). So the Altiga MIBs
don't actually have any traps defined.
Verify the VPN3000 SNMP configuration.
Reference Volume I:
Configuration | System | Management Protocols | SNMP
Configuration | System | Events | General
Events to Trap
Configuration | System | Events | Classes
Configuration | System | Events | Trap Destinations
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