"Haibo Yang" <hbyang@sysway.com> writes:
> Hello, List:
> I have an Netview 7.1.3 installed on a Win2000 server and Now I'd
> like to collect several data for Nokia. They are snmp V2, so I have
> to modify snmpcol.conf manually. But when I open the file, I cannot
> understand the syntax, I tried to modified one entry which is a
> default one. When I restart the snmpcollect daemon, it says there is
> an error in the snmpcol.conf file.
> The following is an entry in the snmpcol.conf, what is the meaning for each
> field?
> MIB . 0 tcpCurrEstab units GAUGE R hbyang
> C smartset:WebServers 0xffffffff 1800 > 0.000000 <= 0.000000 xA s 58720263
Here's another example:
MIB . ipsoProcessUtilization percent GAUGE s
C 60 80 100 A s 58720263 ALL -
C nokia.blah.foo.com 60 80 100 A s 58720263 ALL -
The example above shows two devices--one specificified by IP address, and another specified by name nokia.blah.foo.com.
Add a .C. line for each firewall to monitor. The format above
indicates, the OID, a label, the type of variable. For each host to
query, the format indicates the host address, the collection interval
in seconds (60), the trigger threshold (80%) release threshold
(100%-no hysteresis--send event every polling interval if alarmed) ,
absolute versus relative thresholding (A), as well as the specific
trap number associated with Threshold trigger events.
Also, here's the header of the unix file comments...
# snmpCollect configuration file
# created by xnmcollect on Mon Sep 16 17:04:32.6 2002
# pid: 23992 uid:0 euid:0
# File format:
# MIB <MIB object ID> <MIB alias name> <units> <data type> <S|R>
# (S=suspend R=resume)
# <C|X|W> <node name|IP range> <interval> <threshval> <resetVal>
# <A|%|xA> <s|d> <specific trap #> <REGEXP|LIST|ALL>
# <instances>
# (C=collect X=don't collect W=wildcard)
# (A=absolute reset %=% reset x[A%]=no threshold)
# (s=store data d=don't store data)
# (REGEXP=as regular expression, LIST=as list, ALL=all)
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