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Re: [nv-l] xnmsnmpconf question

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] xnmsnmpconf question
From: Leslie Clark <lclark@us.ibm.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 00:12:04 -0400
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The behavior in this area varies with every release. I have never checked
the output of xnmsnmpconf -dumpCache. I have checked the size of
snmsnmpconf -exp <filename> and found that, in late V6, using non-public as
the default resulted in public entries for every snmp-capable device (with
public) that I was excluding by !@oid entries. Obviously that would not be
the case with devices excluded by !@oid 0.

The thing to remember is that excluded devices, in V5, were re-checked with
every configuration poll to see if they had changed into something that was
acceptable.  Tell your customer to add some negative address ranges to the
seedfile. Those addresses will not cause hints, and probably will not cause
the cache to get so big. Also tell them to upgrade. If they are short of
cash, suggest Linux on Intel.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

                      Pritesh Jewan                                    
                      <Pritesh@aptronic        To:       nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
                      s.co.za>                 cc:                     
                                               Subject:  [nv-l] xnmsnmpconf 
                      09/15/2003 12:02                                 

Hello people,

Customer is running Netview v5.1.2 on AIX 4.3. Auto discovery switched on.
They control discovery with the !@oid 0 and have a number of specific
entries to ensure that routers are discovered with their loopback
interfaces. My understanding is that !@oid 0 would create a hint in the
database for every non-snmp device. Netmon should only poll the devices
that are discovered and managed and not the hints. The following are the
values from ovtopodump -rl and ovobjprint -S:

Ovtopodump -rl






Ovobjprint -S

Number of objects defined in the database: 63316

When I run an xnmsnmpconf -dumpCache and count the lines there are 73569
lines. Is it normal for Netview to put all devices in the object database
into the snmpconf cache or should it only put the devices that should be
polled for status? The problem is that when they make changes to snmp
configurations it is taking very long for netmon to start demand poll and
status checking(sometimes upto 6 hours) - is this normal? If the hints are
suppose to be in the xnmsnmpconf cache, what is the reason for this ?

Any assistance with these questions is greatly appreciated



Pritesh Jewan
Aptronics (Pty) Ltd
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