Hi Scott,
These entries define the value of the MIB value
iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysServices. In the MIB browser this
field (like most others) is explained in detain. In short: for each of the
seven layers (L) of the OSI model, if the component performs transactions on
this level the value is raised with 2^L.
Rick Veenstra
ICT Specialist Midrange
Univé Verzekeringen
Beheer & Exploitatie
team Infrastructuur Ontwikkeling en Beheer
Bezoekadres: Hanzeplein 1, Zwolle - kamer B515
Postadres: Postbus 607, 8000 AP Zwolle, NL
Telefoon: (038) 427 8943
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bursik, Scott {PBSG} [mailto:Scott.Bursik@pbsg.com]
> Sent: 09 March 2004 18:41
> To: Nv-L (nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com)
> Subject: [nv-l] Windows SNMP Agent Configuration
> This is a little off topic but is SNMP related.
> On the Windows SNMP agent service on the Agent tab there is a
> Service section. In the service section there are the
> following selection options:
> Physical
> Applications
> Internet
> End-to-End
> Datalink and Subnetwork
> I have had very little luck finding documentation on what
> these values actually do. I found some documentation
> explaining what they mean but not what happens when you
> select them. Are there additional MIB values that are
> available when they are selected or are there different traps
> sent from the agent depending on these selections? I selected
> all of the options, restarted the agent and snmpwalked the
> box and I don't see any difference in that and when
> End-to-End and Applications are selected. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated.
> I am currently working with a Windows 2000 server, but the
> Winnt 4 and Windows 2003 server have the same options.
> Thanks,
> Scott Bursik
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