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RE: [nv-l] snmpCollect "bang" files

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: RE: [nv-l] snmpCollect "bang" files
From: "Laurie Gellatly" <laurie.gellatly@netic.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 14:52:40 -0700
Delivery-date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 23:12:36 +0100
Envelope-to: nv-l-archive@lists.skills-1st.co.uk
Reply-to: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Sender: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Hi Scott,
I think you'll find its like this:
The binary file userConf.0 would have a '0' for the last entry in the
bang file.
The binary file userConf.10 would have a '10' for the last entry in the
bang file.
The binary file userConf.10.22 would have a '10.22' for the last entry 
in the
bang file.
The instance (appended to the collection name) makes up the binary file
The bang file has that instance in it as well.
As you are creating your own files (and just conforming to the format),
whatever you want to use as an instance should suit your needs provided
you follow this convention.

HTH       ...Laurie :{)
OverTime: MRTG within NetView

> Greetings again from snmpCollectHell. I am still struggling with 
this and since I havn't had a lot of responses I am assuming the 
question I asked wasn't thorough or clear enough so I want to try this 
> NetView 7.1.4
> Solaris 2.8
> Requirements:
> We have an application we wrote which produces "statistical" data 
which is written out to files. It's written in some sort of bizarre 
format which defies the logic of known human beings but my colleague 
wrote a parsing program for it. His program opens the files, pulls out 
the stats we need and using Perl, opens a socket connection to a Perl 
receiver running on the NetView server.
> The receiver progam accepts the socket data and populates the 
snmpCollect database with both a data file and a bang file for 
each "pool" of users on the gateway servers mentioned above. The goal 
is to be able to graph in xnmgraph (and thus in Tavve PreView) these 
various statistics. The first one we have implememented is a simple - 
how many users logged on to each pool every hour.
> I realize this forum is for the support of third party products like 
Tavve but if I can graph the data in xnmgraph I'll be happy and deal 
with any Tavve issues afterwards. For now, a graph out of xnmgraph is 
all I really want/need.
> I have built my own mib and loaded it in Netview and I have also 
started bogus snmpCollect data "collections" (basically I told it to 
go get the user count once a day). This is required for Tavve later 
and not specifically required for xnmgraph (I think).
> Here is what's in snmpCol.conf:
> MIB . UserCount units INTEGER R
> C milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 86400 0.000000 0.000000 xA s 58720263 
> C milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 86400 0.000000 0.000000 xA s 58720263 
> C milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 86400 0.000000 0.000000 xA s 58720263 
> Here is my mib loaded in NetView:
> csg-ipg                 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 10000 }
> pool                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { csg-ipg 1 }
> poolName                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { pool 1 }
>         ACCESS  read-write
>         STATUS  mandatory
>                         "Hourly Count of Users accessing the pool"
>         ::= { poolName 1 }
>         ACCESS  read-write
>         STATUS  mandatory
>                         "Transaction count from pool activity."
>         ::= { poolName 2 }
> Obviously, since there is no snmpAgent on the server to answer these 
queries, the collection will fail but that really isn't an issue. 
Tavve just requires there to be a collection enabled in the 
snmpCol.conf in order to dynamically build it's web page links.
> Problem:
> Whenever I attempt to "graph all collected data" for these servers I 
get the following error message:
> ERROR: Could not convert expression or MIB variable
> "." using MIB database
> "/usr/OV/conf/mibExpr.conf": No such expression
> Here is a sample bang file:
> units
> .
> Now, the last entry is probably the issue. I have been told, and 
have tested, non-numeric instance names. What I believe is that (from 
Janes comment) the last entry of "BRES_WINNI01" is being interpreted 
as a MIB expression name. I have tried counter as the data type and I 
have also tried building a dummy mibExpr.conf entry (I have NO 
experience with this file and my reverse polish notation is really, 
really bad). Here is what I tried:
> ipgUserCount \
> "UserCount * 1" \
> . 1 *
> It was my goal to make this MIB expression just multiply the number 
by one for any instances of this MIB variable regardless of the 
instance name. This did not work however and produced a slightly 
different error message. 
> Here is my sample data trying to be graphed (note time and date 
still messed up in these examples)
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 2
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 2
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 2
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 3
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 3
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 3
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 1
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 3
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 3
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw1.co.csgsystems.com 0
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw2.co.csgsystems.com 3
> 04/01/94 07:00:00 PM milipgw3.co.csgsystems.com 4
> Any assistance would be appreciated. I may end up opening a PMR to 
get this figured out.
> - Scott

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