Hi list,
During a NetView 7.1.4 for AIX fresh install through Framework 4.1.1 at an
AIX 5.2 box I got the following error message:
Something went wrong:
Media Packet: "/mnt/cdrom/FILE33.PKT"
tvnmcnvq:FAILED (soft error)
Failure: the last few lines of the error log
+ echo Please check the log file /tmp/update.log for more details about
the errors.
+ 1>& 2
Please check the log file /tmp/update.log for more details about the
+ echo Then run the uninstnv script on the NetView cdrom to uninstall
+ 1>& 2
Then run the uninstnv script on the NetView cdrom to uninstall NetView,
+ echo fix the errors and reinstall again.
+ 1>& 2
fix the errors and reinstall again.
+ exit 1
Completed (with errors).
All pre-requisites are installed, including the Tivoli NetView Framework
Patch 7.1, both on the TMR and on the ManagedNode that will be the NV
Server. The /tmp/update.log file (mentioned above) has the following
D/N: GC23-4482-06
Fri Apr 23 13:31:07 EDT 2004
Initializing the Tracing and Logging...
======= Fri Apr 23 13:31:10 EDT 2004 BEGINNING NVCONFIGURE
* Running customize script for fileset OVMIN-LICENSE.
* Making links....
* Running customize script for fileset OVMIN.
* Making links....
* Running customize script for fileset OVWIN.
NOTE: Linking security support for nvsecd daemon.
NOTE: Configuring ovwdb
NOTE: Configuring nvsecd
NOTE: Starting nvsecd
ovstart: unable to contact ovspmd: No such file or directory
awk: 0602-533 Cannot find or open file 21494.
The input line number is 0. The file is 21494.
The source line number is 1.
ERROR: Unable to start nvsecd with ovstart.
ERROR: Unable to start nvsecd with ovstart.
+ dspmsg -s 5 nv6000.cat 9999 customize: Failing customize with exit
code %s\n 2
+ 1>> /tmp/update.log
customize: Failing customize with exit code 2
ERROR: Customize script for fileset OVWIN exited with code 2.
nvconfigbf: Failing doing configuration with exit code 2
base: Failure running script or command
base: Failing base.config with exit code 2
Any ideas ?
Thank you.
Mario Behring
Tivoli Certified Consultant
IBM Brazil
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