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[nv-l] Re: Antwort: Re: [nv-l] NV 714 installation error [ virengeprüft

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: [nv-l] Re: Antwort: Re: [nv-l] NV 714 installation error [ virengeprüft]
From: Paul <pstroud@bellsouth.net>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 06:22:55 -0400
Delivery-date: Wed, 19 May 2004 11:42:41 +0100
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Might well be because the installation opens more file handles than that, or the combined total of what the install opens and all the already open file handles(remember you are root) causes you to hit the limit.

NOTE: nofiles is the number of open file handles(not necessarily files)


Franck Mercier wrote:

thanks for your answer,  but i can't still explain why a  lower value
(2000) of ulimit nofiles
is  still leading me to a failed installation.
Which ML  have you applied on AIX 5.1 ?
regards .

   Sce 1073 .

West Support Specialist for TIVOLI Products
IBM Global Services / Integrated Technology Services

 Mailto  : franck.mercier@fr.ibm.com

tilo.strauch@rzle ipzig.de Sent by: To owner-nv-l@lists. nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com us.ibm.com cc Subject 19/05/2004 11:36 Antwort: Re: [nv-l] NV 714 installation error [ virengeprüft] Please respond to nv-l

I had the same problem as you and fixed it with found on IBM.com

<< ERROR: Customize script for fileset OVWIN exited with code 2.
ERR_cfgbf_001 nvconfigbf: Failing doing configuration with exit code 2
base: Failure running script or command '/usr/OV/install/tools/nvconfigbf'
ERR_bcfg_210 base: Failing base.config with exit code 2 Cause ovstart has
timed out waiting for ovspmd to initialize. ovspmd is busy closing file
descriptors based on the ulimit specification for "nofiles". The usual case
is that the "unlimited" specification has been chosen, or some other
extremely high value. Solution If the ulimit specification for nofiles is
set to or defaulting to "unlimited", -1 (minus 1), or greater than 32767,
change it to 32767. >>

change the value to 32767 and it should work fine.

Tilo Strauch
Deutsche Rentenversicherung
Rechenzentrum Leipzig e.V.
Tel.: +49 0341 9170-220
Fax:  +49 0341 9110-806

             Franck Mercier
             r.ibm.com>                                                 An
             Gesendet von:              nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
             owner-nv-l@lists.                                       Kopie
             us.ibm.com                 Jennifer Parker
                                        <jennpa@us.ibm.com>, Jeffrey
                                        Keller <kellerje@us.ibm.com>,
             19.05.2004 11:23           Olivier Lesourd
              Bitte antworten           Re: [nv-l] NV 714 installation
                    an                  error [virengeprüft]

I have tried to  install  on  AIX 5.2 ML02  with the system default  value
of nofiles to 2000
and i still get the same problem ....
So the question is :  which value must we have to set to have a succesful
NV714  insatllation ?
Up to now  i only succeed by  downgrading  to  AIX433  ML09 .
Thanks and regards

   Sce 1073 .

West Support Specialist for TIVOLI Products
IBM Global Services / Integrated Technology Services

 Mailto  : franck.mercier@fr.ibm.com

             George deSocio
             om>                                                        To
             Sent by:                  nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
             owner-nv-l@lists.                                          cc
                                       Re: [nv-l] NV 714 installation
             23/04/2004 23:59          error

             Please respond to


Your AIX system has ulimit for nofiles (ulimit -n) set too high.  Change it
to 32767.
Since you are in a Framework environment, you must reboot after changing
ulimit for nofiles (ulimit -n).

How to do this:  <backup files before you change them>

You need to change the default ulimit for nofiles (ulimit -n) for root.
This is in file /etc/security/limits  <see the comments within the file>

After saving that file, telnet or other login to the machine as root to
check.  After logging in, issue
the "ulimit -a" command.  nofiles should be 32767 (as changed in
If still unlimited, check profile and shell rc files, etc.

After you have caused root default ulimit for nofiles to be 32767 and
proven it is true by the login test,

Then as the other information instructs, clean up the installation using
the uninstall script on the cdrom.
Install. again.


George deSocio
IBM Americas Support - Distributed Network Management
Dept 46-E1ZA
IBM B660  CC102
HWY 54 & 600 Park Offices
Research Triangle Park, NC  27709

919-254-2259 (T/L 444)  Fax: 919-543-7936 (T/L 441)

E-Mail:  desocio@us.ibm.com

Expand your IBM Tivoli product knowledge by participating in Support
Technical Exchange:

 Mario Behring <mariobehring@yahoo.com>
 Sent by: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
 04/23/2004 03:41 PM                                  m

              Please respond to                                    Subject
                    nv-l                              [nv-l] NV 714
                                                      installation error

Hi list,

During a NetView 7.1.4 for AIX fresh install through Framework 4.1.1 at an
AIX 5.2 box I got the following error message:

Something went wrong:
Media Packet:  "/mnt/cdrom/FILE33.PKT"
tvnmcnvq:FAILED (soft error)

Failure: the last few lines of the error log
+ echo Please check the log file /tmp/update.log for more details about
the errors.
+ 1>& 2
Please check the log file /tmp/update.log for more details about the
+ echo Then run the uninstnv script on the NetView cdrom to uninstall
+ 1>& 2
Then run the uninstnv script on the NetView cdrom to uninstall NetView,
+ echo fix the errors and reinstall again.
+ 1>& 2
fix the errors and reinstall again.
+ exit 1
Completed (with errors).

All pre-requisites are installed, including the Tivoli NetView Framework
Patch 7.1, both on the TMR and on the ManagedNode that will be the NV
Server. The /tmp/update.log file (mentioned above) has the following

D/N:  GC23-4482-06
Fri Apr 23 13:31:07 EDT 2004
Initializing the Tracing and Logging...
=======  Fri Apr 23 13:31:10 EDT 2004  BEGINNING NVCONFIGURE
      * Running customize script for fileset OVMIN-LICENSE.
      *   Making links....
      * Running customize script for fileset OVMIN.
      *   Making links....
      * Running customize script for fileset OVWIN.
NOTE:    Linking security support for nvsecd daemon.
NOTE:    Configuring ovwdb
NOTE:    Configuring nvsecd
NOTE:    Starting nvsecd
ovstart: unable to contact ovspmd: No such file or directory
awk: 0602-533 Cannot find or open file 21494.
The input line number is 0. The file is 21494.
The source line number is 1.
ERROR:   Unable to start nvsecd with ovstart.
ERROR:   Unable to start nvsecd with ovstart.
+ dspmsg -s 5 nv6000.cat 9999 customize:    Failing customize with exit
code %s\n 2
+ 1>> /tmp/update.log
customize:    Failing customize with exit code 2
ERROR:     Customize script for fileset OVWIN exited with code 2.
nvconfigbf:    Failing doing configuration with exit code 2
base:    Failure running script or command
base:    Failing base.config with exit code 2

Any ideas ?

Thank you.

Mario Behring
Tivoli Certified Consultant
IBM Brazil

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