I originally had 3 maps for my production Netview system which were essentially copies of each other. These were named :
1) default
2) Production - this is the "real" map
3) 2004_04_21_prod - a backup taken during some changes
I tried to delete the 2004_04_21_prod map but Netview died halfway through the process (after a very long time with the CPU at 100%).
Now when I select the File | Delete Map option I see the 3 maps in the list box but the 2004_04_21_prod map has the permission set to "unknown" and has a comment "Non-local map (koguxap6)" and the Delete button does not enable when this map is selected. (koguxap6 is the host on which Netview is running).
If I delete an object from the default and Production maps it remains in the database with a map count of 1 (presumably the 2004_04_21_prod map) and I can't get rid of it.
Is there any way I can get rid of this oddball map and therefore get rid of the deleted objects from the database as I suspect this is causing anomolous behaviour?
Cheers - Gavin Newman
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