Our Environment:
AIX 5.2
Netview 7.1.4
Framework 4.1.1
We are having difficults on loading OSA-Express MIB.
We have downloaded osa333c.mib and osa030c.mib and have tried to load using
xnmloadmib and xnmloadmib2.
Both methods have failed.
Trying load with xnmloadmib osa030c.mib and osa333c.mib the error ocurred
Line 64: Error Defining object: found 'MODULE-IDENTITY'
Expected one of following:
Trying load with xnmloadmib2 osa030c.mib the error ocurred was:
Bad operator:On or around line 2949
Mib table is bad
Trying load with xnmloadmib2 osa333c.mib the error ocurred was:
Error: Two child nodes of portEntry, portType(2) and portType(5), have the
same lable.
Only one of then can be loaded at a time.
Unload/reload MIBs as required to get the desired node into the tree.
Error: Two child nodes of portEntry, portIndex(1) and portIndex(2), have the
same lable.
Only one of then can be loaded at a time.
Unload/reload MIBs as required to get the desired node into the tree.
Could someone tell us what´s wrong ?
Thanks in advance.
Marcos Antonio Pezzutti Filho
Santander Banespa - Infra-Multiplataforma
* Fone: 5854-6339 * Fax: 5538-5260 <>