Excuse the newbie question but ...
I have a co-worker who is not a NetView expert who would like me to make
NetView do something it is not designed to do. I'd like to tell him he's nuts.
We will have several NetView installations (7.1.4 FP2 AIX 5.1) in different
regions across the US each discovering and monitoring devices only in its own
region (about 4000 nodes per region - 10 regions total). He believes there
must be a way to create a master map that does not do its own discovery or
polling (disabled in Options Topology/Status Polling) but is fed from the
regional NetViews. If a regional NetView discovers a device and it is a
router, switch or server (controlled by SmartSets) he proposes it send a trap
to the master console that will then execute a script that runs loadhosts and
adds the device to the master map. He also proposes that status changes
detected by the regional NetViews initiate traps to the master and change the
status on the master map. I've read James info that was posted a while back on
changing the status of an icon. While each individual piece of what my
coworker is proposing seems techically feasible on the surface, the solution as
a whole doesn't seem practical to me.
So which one of us is nuts?