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Re: [nv-l] MLM on Windows

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] MLM on Windows
From: Jane Curry <jane.curry@skills-1st.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2005 17:06:29 +0000
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If your firewall blocks ping then that's your problem. Your MLM will merrily discover nodes on the same network as himself and will ship the info to NetView in SNMP packets which should get through your firewall on eithe TCP or UDP 161. However, NetView doesn't believe what an MLM tells him unless he can get at least one ping from NetView to the end node. If you find this behaviour perverse, please add a "me too" to my enhancement request about this on http://www.nv-l.org/twiki/bin/view/Netview/NetViewEnhancements#Enhancements_to_Mid_Level_Manage
Your best bet if you have 150 nodes out there is to construct a script 
that uses the NetView loadhosts command to manually add them to the 
NetView database and then configure those nodes in netmon.seed to be 
Effectively, MLM is a dead-duck for node discovery if it is behind a 
ping-blocking firewall.

alejandro.gabay@reuters.com wrote:

Hi. We have a Netview 7.1.4 FP2 on Solaris 8. It is facing an NT MLM running on 
a Windows 2000.
When running smconfig against the MLM NT. We see lots of discovered nodes 
(around 150) but on the Netview itself we see no one. The connection between 
the MLM and the NEtview server is going trhough a firewall that only pases TCP 
UDP 161 and 162. Does anyone knows if MLM uses another port to pass objects' 
status to the Netview Server?

B. Regards

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