Hi all,
I am running netview 7.1.4 on windows with
fix pack 3,
In my netview it discovered almost all networks,
recently a new router was added to the remote location ,I was trying every
thing possible to get it on the map I even tried the loadhosts command it did
not work ,then I tried the ovtopofix command,it give me a bizaree error message
,yesterday I cleared the database a put a rediscovery now it is unable to get
half the nodes on map even the links are missing
Could any one help me out,
Second concern is not all events are coming
to tec ?
In tec always an error message I get is----(
netmon-related Application reached maximum number of outstanding events,
disconnecting from trap)
So what I do is clear the trapd log ??
Thanks in advance

Praveen kumar
721, Nila
Technopark, Trivandrum
Tel: ++91-471-2335777 extn 8652
Cell: ++91-934-914-0942