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Re: [nv-l] Fw: mib2trap error on Unsigned32

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Fw: mib2trap error on Unsigned32
From: James Shanks <jshanks@us.ibm.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 08:39:54 -0500
Delivery-date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 13:40:22 +0000
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Sender: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Rats.  I can't proof-read worth a penny these days.  That should have said
(10) mv snmpv2mib.bin.BAK  snmpv2mib.bin

James Shanks
Level 3 Support  for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and Windows
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group

             M@IBMUS                                                    To 
             Sent by:                  nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com               
             owner-nv-l@lists.                                          cc 
                                       Re: [nv-l] Fw: mib2trap error on    
             02/07/2006 08:37          Unsigned32                          
             Please respond to                                             

Well, I know what the error means.  It means that the MIB you are using
defines something in terms of another thing, which is a textual convention.
But that the textual convention itself doesn't resolve to a base type.
Unsigned32, for example, resolved to Gauge32 which is a base type.   But
the rest of the message puzzles me because SEQUENCE is a base type, so if
that's all the message you got, I don't have a simple answer for how to
resolve it.  There must be some confusing syntax in that MIB.  Can you load
it with xnmloadmib2?   If  not you'd have to call Support and let them play
around with the MIB and the others you have concatenated for a detailed
answer.  If you can load it, then here's a trick you might try instead.

If you are planning to run mib2trap on a whole bunch of MIBs from the same
vendor and they are all interdependent, then you can build a little data
base of just those, like this:
(1) cd /usr/OV/conf
(2) mv snmpv2mib  snmpv2mib.BAK
(3) mv snmpv2mib.bin  snmpv2mib.bin.BAK
(4) xnmloadmib2  -- nothing will be loaded but new snmpv2mib and
snmpv2mib.bin files will be created
(5)  now load all those Cisco MIBs together.  Keep going until you get no
more warnings about left-over nodes.  You can even do this in batch using a
(6) mib2trap  snmpv2mib  my.cisco.addtrap   <optional baroc> <optional

What you'll get is huge addtrap file with all those trap definitions in it.
After you've added them, then you can save that little database if you
want, and restore your original, probably much larger, MIB  database.

(7) mv snmpv2mib  my.cisco.snmpv2mib
(8) mv snmpv2mib.bin  my.cisco.snmpv2mib.bin
(9) mv snmpv2mib.BAK  snmpv2mib
(10) mv snmpv2mib.bin.BAK  snmpv2mib


James Shanks
Level 3 Support  for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and Windows
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group

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