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[NV-L] Discovery questions

To: "Tivoli NetView Discussions" <nv-l@lists.ca.ibm.com>
Subject: [NV-L] Discovery questions
From: "Kain, Becki \(B.\)" <bkain1@ford.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 16:15:06 -0400
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Thread-topic: Discovery questions

Oh gentle learned people, I have some questions for a discovery that we are doing:

1.  i'm scanning by lists of whole ranges of ip's, listed ip by ip in the seedfile.  Some things may not be in dns and I'm looking for all things on that network segment, be them servers, routers, switches, etc..  They may or may not have snmp enabled.  I was teasing this data out of the database with "nvUtil e isNode=TRUE" but is there a better way?

2.  if snmp is enabled, is there an easy way to get all the mac addresses of all of the interfaces of a device? 

Thank you in advance

-Becki Kain

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