Try ovtopodump `ip address` and see if you get a reply. You could have an object
in the database that needs purging.
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Subject: Problems adding Gateway device to map
Author: "Brook; Bryan S" <bryan.s.brook@LMCO.COM> at SEInternet
Date: 23/06/98 16:29
Im trying to add an object (specifically a Connector..Gateway) to an
IP Internet map. I select IP attributes, type in the IP address of one of
the router interfaces, and it tells me:
"Node with this IP address already exists in Interent level submap"
However if I do a Locate..By Attribute..IP address=x.x.x.x, it
tells me none found?
We have multiple Netview servers that each monitor a portion of our
network. The 1st addition was successful. However the subsequent additions
fail on the other 2 Netview servers.
Does anyone know whats going on here?