BTW, this problem should be resolved in Optivity 8.1.1 due out before the
end of the year.
Steve Valente
Bay Networks
Optivity Unix Support
At 04:37 PM 10/23/98 -0400, 252449N@KNOTES.KODAK.COM wrote:
>From: Terry L Abbott
>I know exactly what that is. There is a corrupt image file for the
>Baystack 150 hubs that is part of the new release. I too have had that and
>through contact with both Tivoli and Bay Networks here is the latest
>Hi Terry,
>The problem you are having is a known issue. There is already a bug logged
>against this. The CR is 78074.
>If you have Baystack 150s on your network, then just click okay when the
>error appears. It will not hinder performance.
>If you do not have Baystack 150s on your network, then here is the
>/usr/OV/bitmaps/C/baynet_baystack-150* bitmaps before the installation
>routine invokes a "ovw -config".
>This issue should be resolved in the next version of Optivity with a
>shipping date of approximately January.
>If I do not hear back from you by the end of business on Friday, October
>9th, 1998, then I will assume that this ticket can be closed.
>If you need additional help with this, then you can either email me back or
>call 1-8002LANWAN with the case number. If you decide AFTER Friday that
>you need more asistance on this issue, then you may just call back in at
>the same number and reopen the ticket.
>Hope this helps!
>Tim Hughes
>Tim Hughes
>Technical Support Engineer
>Unix Network Management
>Bay Networks