Unfortunately, we found out about CPU utilization the old fashion way, by
displaying the processes running over & over again. I did look into the switch
via mib browser and, on a switch with the RSM card you should be able to find
"busyper, avgbusy1, avgbusy5" at . , 57 , 58 respectively.
It maps out just like Cisco routers do.
Gil Irizarry
>>> Connie Logg <cal@SLAC.Stanford.EDU> 10/26/98 11:45am >>>
It sounds like you found a mib variable to measure cctalyst switch cpu
utilization. I have been looking for one. I would appreciate it if you
would tell me which mib variable it is. Is there one for each cpu?
> This is all good info, however, I have opened PMR93117 with Tivoli on the
cat5500 with the RSM card. After I applied & accepted PTF U453385 on
AIX/Netview V4.2.1, netmon does core every time it discovers a switch. As
a temporary solution, I had a cron running every 20 minutes re-starting
netmon, then we notice the CPU on the cat5500 was getting up to 98% every 20
minutes. CPU utilization for snmp within the switch gets up to 48% driving
the switch to 98% total CPU utilization.
" Of course the opinions expressed here are my own. "
Connie Logg CAL@SLAC.Stanford.Edu ph: 650-926-2879
Network Management and Performance Analyst
SLAC (MS 97), P.O. Box 4349, Stanford, CA 94309
"Happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the road."