NMS 8.1.1 will support the same systems as NMS 8.1. In other words,
officially it will not support NetView 5.1. Standard caveat about
"support" vs. "work with" applies.
At 09:15 AM 10/5/98 -0500, Ken Karasek wrote:
>I am hearing that Optivity 8.1 is not ready to support NV v5.1. Not sure
>about 8.1.1.
>Steve or David... could shed some light on this?
>From: RICHARD.KEATING@CHASE.COM on 10/05/98 09:10 AM EST
>Please respond to NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU
>Subject: NetView 4.1 Loss of Support
>Tivoli is dropping support on NetView 4.1 as of 11/98. We have various
>bolt-on applications that we use under NetView. (EG: Cabletron SPMA)
>In contacting the vendors, we find that all of them are not ready to run on
>NetView 5.1, or in some cases 5.0.
>Does anyone else have an issue with this also?