Mary - $ is a special string in UNIX - try either putting a backslash before
it, or enclosing it in double or single quotes. I can't remember which one
of these will do it, but one of them will
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary H Farris <Mary_Farris@FREDDIEMAC.COM>
Date: Wednesday, November 25, 1998 1:29 PM
Subject: A question about snmp community strings
>I am trying to test snmp access to one of our customer routers. To test
>I used the "snmpwalk -c " command but I can't seem to get snmp replies. I
>put a sniffer on the ring where my nms server is and captured the snmp data
>going to this router. What I found is that the community string the
>sniffer captured and the community string I used on the command line were
>different. As an example if the community string was netview$monitor and
>I typed "snmpwalk -c netview$monitor routeripaddress" then the sniffer
>capture would display the community string of "netview" it would just
>drop everything after the $. Is the $ a special character that cannot be
>used in community strings? If this is not a limitation