Hi to all,
got four problems:
1) How can I change .ico files into .m and .p files (which program to use ?)
2) Is there a command for removing traps ? (traps have been added with the
addtrap command)
If not, how can I remove them ? (do I only need to remove the entries in the
trapd.conf file)
3) Is there a command for removing fields (they were added with the ovw_fields
If not, how do I accomplish this manually ?
4) Is it possible to automate the collection data ? (snmpcollect -load ?)
I wanna add thresholds ...
Thanks in advance for your help.
Why did the message I send in 12/99 not show up on the digest ?
D.I. Patric Lehnen
System and Network Management
Gudrunstraße 11
A-1101 Wien
Siemens AG Österreich
Tel: +43-1-1707-45941
Fax: +43-1-1707-56659
email: patric-thomas.lehnen@siemens.at