The forum (pointer) for HP-Openview can be found at
They have a free "ovforum" list, much like the NetView forum,
and usually have yearly meetings for members, which tend to
be heavily attended. I went to two meetings. The info was
nice, and most applied to NetView also (since they came from
the same place... in prehistoric times).
Looking at their web-page... it appears that their meeting is
going on now (Apr 12-16), in Boston.
Their list is good for newbies, but gets a little tedious
after awhile (i.e. if you have to read both the NV & the
OV lists... you can spend quite a bit of time).
Hope this helps.
Gary Boyles
-----Original Message-----
From: Sharma, Sanjeev [mailto:Sanjeev.Sharma@USA.XEROX.COM]
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 1999 8:18 AM
Subject: Anyone knows about the forum on HP OPenView
Do you have any idea about list mail server kind of forum for HPOPENVIEW??
thanks a lot.