Try to set the number of color for CDE to the most colors.(in CDE panel)
"Froelich, Leah M" <leah.m.froelich@LMCO.COM> on 99/06/09 10:41:08 PM
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
cc: (bcc: Brian CL Hwang/Taiwan/IBM)
Subject: Netview 5.1 color problem, etc
I have NetView 5.1 on an IBM RS6000 with AIX 4.3. I also have
CiscoWorks and CiscoView installed. I get errors regarding colors running
out all the time. The Graphics adapter I am using is a GTX255P. What is
the minumum graphics adapter that I need for this? Or is there some other
solution that I can apply?
I also have the same problem that was posted several days ago
regarding the Background error message. I did delete the suggested files
(wsc1600.20.m and wsc1600.20.p) and ran ovw -fields, but that didn't help
the problem. Could anyone else help me with some other pointers?
Thanks a lot,
Leah Froelich
Lockheed Martin - Houston