Check out the mlmRemoteCollect command. You can run this command on the
NetView server to retrieve data collected by an MLM. It has a n option for
graphing the data.
A second option would be to run this command to get the data from the MLM,
store it on the NetView server, and then run the smconvert command that
Leslie suggested. After you do this, then you could use the NetView
grapher, xnmgraph, to view the data.
-----Original Message-----
From: Leslie Clark [SMTP:lclark@US.IBM.COM]
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 06:27
Subject: Re: graph MLM collected MIB-data
There is a command to convert the MLM data to the format used by
snmpCollect. It is something like smconvert.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
Dear all!
Does anybody know if there is a possibilty to graph MIB data which
collected with MLM?
Maybe the NetView Managementstation can do this, but it stores it's
MIB data
in a different (only machine readable code) and not in ASCII format.
Is there a possibilty to convert the ASCII format data collected
from MLM to
the machine-code that NetView uses to graph the data?
If there is a possibilty, please let me know.
Thanx in advance for your help:-)
mit freundlichen Gruessen/ with best regards
Jens Mueller
(Dipl.Informatiker FH)
FRA AK/E-EN - Engineering Netze
Lufthansa Systems GmbH
Im Taubengrund 6
D-65451 Kelsterbach
phone: +49 69 696 90622
fax: +49 69 696 96790
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