I have been attending this forum for a while and appreciated all its
professional contents, specially those coming from you, James Shanks.
Or should I say how many times you have saved from uncomfortable situations ?
I could not believe what I read from either you or Mr. Chance. It did not make
any sense... Only a misunderstanding or an overwork can be blamed. Nevertheless,
the world receives you sincerest apologies. What else does Mr. Chance expect ?
Although I fully understand your temporary withdrawing, I would like to say that
such period will be dark for NetView.
Customers, who have nothing to do with this affair, will certainly suffer
indirectly from the situation. I hope that your manager and yourself will
shorten this period as much as possible.
And I imagine that Mr. Chance will understand the situation, after a while. As a
professional, he certainly knows that only idle man never makes any mistake.
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