Fellow Netviewers
I have been advised by my netview service provider:
" that the IP Internet view should not have submaps but rather should be
a flat
topology map and the heirarchical views should be based off the root map.
not doing so causes netview (5.1.1 under solaris 2.6) to be instable"
I would appreciate your experienced views on this matter.
Kind regards.
Willem Bos
Professional Services Manager
Logical Networks Limited
100 Willis Street, P.O. Box 11-568, Wellington, New Zealand
Direct Dial: 64 4 495-6548; Mobile 64 21 840-762; Fax: 64 4 499-2739;
Switchboard: 64 4 499-2729
email: willem.bos@nz.logical.com <mailto:willem.bos@nz.logical.com>
http://www.logical.com <http://www.logical.com/>
Logical Support Centre: 0800 80 2729