You cannot really do what you are thinking of. The closest would
be to unmmanage the workstations. Then they have no status.
Another approach might be to define Collections of the hubs, etc,
and keep a view of the Collections Submap open in a corner.
Monitor device-only status from there. Navigate from a hub
in the Collections submap to the IP map using View...Protocols.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
(248) 552-4968 Voicemail, Fax, Pager
---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on 12/09/99
08:15 PM ---------------------------
"Clay David (rti1dwc)" <rti1dwc@ISMD.UPS.COM>@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU> on 12/09/99
09:06:48 AM
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
Sent by: Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView
Subject: Propagating A Critical Attribute To A Parent Submap
I currently have child submaps that include both switches and user
workstation. The parent submap is the IP submap of the child submaps. When
user workstations go down I don't want this "down" status propagated to the
IP submap but when any of my switches go down, I want it propagated back to
the parent submap. Is there a setting that will allow me to do this? All I
see is a way to set the map to "propagate most critical" setting.