Von: Grigoris Karakatsoulis@SYSTEMATICS am 14.01.2000 16:06
An: Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView
Thema: Antwort: Re: Rulesets + Correlation !!
Thank you for your help !
But i am still have the same problem in case1. Your ruleset is the same like my
- I want to forward one "node up/down" event
- I want to forward one "interface up/down" event
But i want to correlate the "node up/down" and "interface up/down" event, to one
"NODE UP/DOWN" event provided they came from the same node and are not separated
by more than "n" min.
Grigoris Karakatsoulis
Barmbeker Straße 2
22303 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (040) 6960 - 2258
Fax: +49 (040) 6960 - 3258
Mobil: +49 (0172) 4383067
e-Mail: grigoris.karakatsoulis@systematics.de