If I understand correctly, you're saying that directly editing the sysLocation
variable in snmpd.conf file doesn't work. This worked for me, after I stopped
and restarted the service to reload the config files. I used
/etc/init.d/init.snmpdx stop|start. Also, removing the "-r" option from the
mibiisa startup line resulted in the volatile, "successful" sets that Mark
described. Sadly enough, I recall seeing this under Sol 2.5.1 back in 6/98 as
I've forwarded a copy of this thread to the L2 support person at Sun who is
helping us with Service Order #4377907.
Tivoli Education
In a message dated Sat, 5 Feb 2000 8:37:37 AM Eastern Standard Time, Rauwers
Laurens <Lrauwers@CS.COM> writes:
> Well that dampner on the solution I discovered yesterday late.
> I found out that the removal of the -r parameter did not have any effect.
> So still not able to write.
> I also found out that even if I change the f.i. sysLocation param in the
> /etc/snmp/conf/snmpd.conf file the value still is "system administrators
> office".
> This brings me to the conclusion this the daemon gets the values somewhere
> else.
> I couldn't find out where.
> So as far as I am concerned, I see no solution (yet).
> Laurens Rauwers