I'm hoping someone on the list may offer me tips on fixing broken Nways
1.2.3 CML filesets on AIX 4.2.1. When I run lppchk -v I'm told the
following broken filesets must be installed or corrected. Is there a manual
way to fix these or should I be able to stop all apps and daemons and
cml.8230 B 8230 Hub Manager (PSM)
cml.8238 B 8238 Hub Manager (PSM)
cml.8250-60 B 8250 and 8260 Manager
cml.Jjim B IBM Nways Manager Java jim
On a possibly related subject, I see that there is a "Symptom Fix",
(Document SF3370E) for VLAN and hub icons that are not executable. This
document and the Nways 1.2.3 Installation Guide refer to changing the
LIBPATH statements in four files, however both documents state that this
problem is restriced to AIX v4.3.x. My AIX 4.2.1 was heavily patched by my
predecessors in preparation for y2k and I'm wondering if these LIBPATH edits
may now be applicable, or if applying them would cause any harm.
Any input or suggestions will be greately appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Mark A. Scherting
AIX/WAN Specialist
State of Montana
Information Services Division
(406) 444-0117
mscherting@state.mt.us <mailto:mscherting@state.mt.us>