It is probably looking for a management web server on the devices.
This is different from the nvsniffer function, and adds the ability to
launch the management URL if it exists. It adds some fields in the
object database like isHTTPSuppported, isHTTPManaged, and
ManagementURL http: (defaults to //hostname). These should only
be set at discovery for I thought it only happened for oids with a W
flag in the oid_to_type. Maybe your device has that in the new
oid_to_type file? If you want to stop doing it, you can probably do
that by removing the W and/or changing those fields to FALSE.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on
03/23/2000 07:30 PM ---------------------------
Jorge Jiles <> on 03/23/2000 04:04:51 PM
Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <>
Sent by:
Subject: [NV-L] Netview doing ports scan
Netview 6.0 aix 4.2.1 rs6000 - 43 P
Under what circumstances Netview does a ports scan on devices? I do not
know of any Netview app other than nvsniffer that does this. I just
installed Netview 6.0 and while doing the initial discovery I received
several complaints of my server doing ports scan, going after ports 80, 81,
82, etc. I provided a seed file but unfortunately our network is a one-arm
router (most LANS connected to one router through elans), so when I enter
this router in the seed file the world is discovered. I will work on this
problem, but as far as I know, Netview does not perform port scans as part
of its initial discovering. Is there something I'm unaware of ???????????
Please help me keep the security dudes off my back.
Any information is appreciated.
Jorge A Jiles
Network Analyst
Computing & Network Services
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
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