Since you have Essentials, check out the Availability reports that it has.
They're pretty "primitive", and Essentials has to poll the device just like
NetView, so it may not be any more reliable. As a positive, it IS
Joel Gerber - I/T Networking Professional - USAA Information Technology Co.
- San Antonio, TX
* (210)456-4231 * "
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Guettler []
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 13:40
Subject: [NV-L] Interface Availability on Routers
Does anyone have suggestions on providing interface availability data for
Cisco routers. The remote polling from NetView has not been very accurate
due to heavy network traffic and router utilization. We get 3-4 false
outages per day on the heavily used links. We have NetView v6 and
CiscoWorks 2000 Resource Manager Essentials installed on an NT server
monitoring the 20 our so routers in the network.
Ideally I would like to be able to create a nice report (web enabled) with
the interface availability information. Any suggestions?
Ken Guettler
> Maryville Technologies(tm)
> One Pierce Place, Suite 475W
> Itasca, IL 60143
> 630/285-9755 ext. 5105
> (FAX) 630/285-9628
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