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RE: Unable to Demand Poll

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: RE: Unable to Demand Poll
From: "Ken Karasek" <KGKARASE@hewitt.com>
Date: Thu, 4 May 2000 09:56:47 -0500
Is the statement below also true that the Ping Utility is affected the same way?
Even when netmon is not busy, I have problem initiating the Ping Utility and end
up shutting down NetView and restarting the EUI.

From: lclark@us.ibm.com on 05/04/2000 09:23 AM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   NV-L@tkg.com
Subject:  RE: [NV-L] Unable to Demand Poll

....And the most usual thing is that netmon is busy doing its startup
stuff. The window comes up with the hourglass, but no results. To
verify that it is just netmon being busy, go to a commandline and
do 'netmon -a 3' and check /usr/OV/log/netmon.trace. If netmon
is too busy, it won't dump it's ping schedule. Wait a while and try


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on
05/04/2000 10:21 AM ---------------------------

James_Shanks@tivoli.com@tkg.com on 05/03/2000 11:01:41 PM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

Sent by:  owner-nv-l@tkg.com

To:   IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>
Subject:  RE: [NV-L] Unable to Demand Poll

Demand poll is a complex process and there are several places it could go
but you have to start by telling us exactly where and how it fails.  Does
window open from the GUI?  That has to happen first.  If not, try running
nmdemandpoll from the command line (the man page will tell you how) and see
that works.  If so, then you may have an X-resource problem or you may need
make sure that you have issued the ulimit commands before running the GUI
remove any artificial limits on what your user id can do.  If the window
but nothing comes in it, then you should probably  look elsewhere.  When
select a node and then click "demand poll" that starts an xnmappmon
which sends a trap to trapd with the name of the node in it to be demand
This trap is sent by trapd to netmon, who does the operation, and sends the
results back to xnmappmon for display.  If the window opens, can you see
trap in the trapd.log?   One of the things that can go wrong here is that
poll will hang in the middle of a "trap storm" when traps are coming in at
high rate.  You might look at trapd.log to determine that, though at really
rates trapd will be unable to process any traps, only queue them, and you
see that unless you turn on the trapd.trace (issue trapd -T from the
line to toggle the trace on or off).  Finally, if you see the trap, then
will have to turn on the netmon trace to see what netmon does when he
it (netmon -M 31).

If all this makes you uncomfortable, then I would call Support and get some

But I don't see that set community strings have anything to do with demand
The code most definitely does not use anything but the read string.  You
be able to get the same results yourself with snmpget that netmon gets when
does it.

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX and NT) L3 Support

Michael Kelly <Michael.Kelly@sysnet-solutions.com> on 05/03/2000 08:29:41

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   "'IBM NetView Discussion'" <nv-l@tkg.com>
cc:    (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  RE: [NV-L] Unable to Demand Poll

Verify the SNMP community (especially set) strings are set correctly.

On 03 May, 2000 19:12, Jean.M.SCHMIDT@odot.state.or.us
[SMTP:Jean.M.SCHMIDT@odot.state.or.us] wrote:
> I am running NV 5.1.0 on AIX 4.3.1.  I am not able to demand poll any
> devices on my network, therefore not able to collect any data. However, I
> can ping all of them. All daemons are running, no errors in logs, plenty
> free space. Any suggestions?
> Jean Schmidt
> ODOT Network Management
> 503 986-3245
> jean.m.schmidt@odot.state.or.us
> _________________________________________________________________________
> NV-L List information (unsubscribing, policies, posting, digest version,
> searchable archives): http://www.tkg.com/nv-l

(See attached file: att1.htm)

Verify the SNMP community (especially set) strings are set correctly.

On 03 May, 2000 19:12, Jean.M.SCHMIDT@odot.state.or.us [SMTP:Jean.M.SCHMIDT@odot.state.or.us] wrote:
> I am running NV 5.1.0 on AIX 4.3.1.  I am not able to demand poll any
> devices on my network, therefore not able to collect any data. However, I
> can ping all of them. All daemons are running, no errors in logs, plenty of
> free space. Any suggestions?
> Jean Schmidt 
> ODOT Network Management
> 503 986-3245
> jean.m.schmidt@odot.state.or.us
> _________________________________________________________________________
> NV-L List information (unsubscribing, policies, posting, digest version,
> searchable archives): http://www.tkg.com/nv-l

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