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RE: Unable to Demand Poll

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: RE: Unable to Demand Poll
From: James_Shanks@tivoli.com
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 10:29:21 -0400
It does all its config checks first, before status polling begins.  A delay of
thrity minutes before you can demand poll is not uncommon for large databases.
Changes are being made to reduce this impact in 6.0.1,  but  otehrwise netmon
ALWAYS worked like this, since before Version 2.

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX and NT) L3 Support

"Boyce, Robert L" <robert.l.boyce@lmco.com> on 05/24/2000 10:20:39 AM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   "'IBM NetView Discussion'" <nv-l@tkg.com>
cc:    (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  RE: [NV-L] Unable to Demand Poll

I have tried this and sometimes the update to the netmon.trace file can take
15-30 minutes (or longer).  My question is during this "startup stuff" is
netmon performing it's normal monitoring or does it wait until all of this
"startup stuff" is finished before it begins showing the proper status of
devices that it is polling?

Just Wondering...

Robert Boyce

-----Original Message-----
From: lclark@us.ibm.com [mailto:lclark@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 10:24 AM
To: NV-L@tkg.com
Subject: RE: [NV-L] Unable to Demand Poll

....And the most usual thing is that netmon is busy doing its startup
stuff. The window comes up with the hourglass, but no results. To
verify that it is just netmon being busy, go to a commandline and
do 'netmon -a 3' and check /usr/OV/log/netmon.trace. If netmon
is too busy, it won't dump it's ping schedule. Wait a while and try


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking


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