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Re: Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 for NetView

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 for NetView
From: lclark@us.ibm.com
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2000 10:01:16 -0400
Have you imported this guide? There is that extra step you have to
take after installing it... see the tabs on the bottom of the left-hand
in the Admin interface. Make sure all of the ones you installed are


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

Leonid.Golstein@gecits-eu.com@tkg.com on 08/25/2000 05:42:28 AM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

Sent by:  owner-nv-l@tkg.com

To:   IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>
Subject:  Re: [NV-L] Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 for NetView

Hello Walt,

I installed and imported the Segment Performance Guide for UNIX, but didn't
any changes in the system after that.

What I mean:  there are no Changes in TDS Discovery Administrator -  I
don't see
new Cubes on the left Side.
Therefore I can't biuld Cubes from Segment Performance Guide. That is my

Gruesse - Best regards

Leonid Golstein
GE Capital IT Solutions / GE CompuNet Computer AG
European Information Management, Europe
Europaring 34-40, 50170 Kerpen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2273 / 597-259, Fax: +49 (0) 2273 / 597-570, Mobile: +49 (0)
/ 8421230
E-Mail : Leonid.Golstein @ gecits-eu.com

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Walt_Ostack@tivoli.com on 24.08.2000 19:27:52

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:     IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>
cc:      (bcc: Leonid Golstein/Kerpen/GECITS-EU)
Subject:  Re: [NV-L] Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 for NetView


Hello Leonid,
I didn't understand your question.
You stated that you installed the Segment Performance Guide but didn't see
changes in the system after that.
Please provide an explanation of the changes about which you are asking.

Walt Ostack     Tivoli NetView Product Integrity

Leonid.Golstein@gecits-eu.com on 08/24/2000 11:30:32 AM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>
cc:    (bcc: Walt Ostack/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  [NV-L] Tivoli Decision Support 2.1 for NetView

Hello all,

I want to use TDS 2.1 to make the reporting for my NetView 6.0 system.
I installed the Segment Performance Giude for UNIX Netview in my TDS
system, but
I don't see any changes in this TDS system after that !
The other 2 guides are ok  !

Is it a bug or a featcher ?

Gruesse - Best regards

Leonid Golstein
GE Capital IT Solutions / GE CompuNet Computer AG
European Information Management, Europe
Europaring 34-40, 50170 Kerpen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2273 / 597-259, Fax: +49 (0) 2273 / 597-570, Mobile: +49 (0)
/ 8421230
E-Mail : Leonid.Golstein @ gecits-eu.com

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you must not disclose or use the information contained in it.
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