> hi !
> and now we have a problem since the servlet is not distributed
> with the 2.2.4 version of Jetty as installed into netview :(~
> i have found the servlet under
> ftp://jetty.mortbay.com/pub/Jetty-2.4.6/contrib/uk/org/gosnell/Servlets/
> BUT how does one plug that beast into the netview installation ?
now i know !!!
copy the files from the above URL onto
then add the following entries to your /usr/OV/www/conf/JettyServer.prp :
main.root.Servlet.PROPERTY.SERVLET.CgiServlet.CLASS :
main.root.Servlet.PROPERTY.SERVLET.CgiServlet.PATHS :
main.root.Servlet.PROPERTY.SERVLET.CgiServlet.CLASSPATH :
main.root.Servlet.PROPERTY.SERVLET.CgiServlet.PROPERTY.Roots :
restart jetty with:
ovstop webserver
and then you can reach your cgis :
happy cgi-ing :)