Hi list !
I'm testing the netview web client (netview server: aix 4.3.3, netview
6.0.1framework 3.6.2, java client on windows 98) and have a problem in some
submaps containing a specific icon i made by myself.
When i explore the submap the client freeze during 5 to 10 minutes.Once in the
submap the icon doesn't appear as it should (whereas in the netview GUI it is
good). Instead of a router with a specific bitmap i can see a generic router
(with no bitmap inside).
When i was running netview 5.1.2 the web client showed the good icon.
I ran ovw -config, ovw -verify but that didn't solve anything.
The only message i get is : " Parsing configuration file
/usr/OV/conf/C/explore.confOvwInterface::Connect: connect() (error: 22)" in
Is there a command line to compile new icons and bitmaps for the netview 6 web
client ?
Thanks in advance.
Alexis Henry
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