Since HSRP interfaces are not represented in the Interface Table, I
would expect that the section of code that handles Admin Down status is not
equipped to handle HSRP interfaces. I don't believe Netview actually
knows what real interfaces the HSRP addresses are associated with,
either. It only knows which device it reached when it pulled sysname
through that address. So once it is down, I imagine Netview has no
way to move it. If you have some suggestions as to what it ought to
do based on information it can retrieve from the MIB, this might be a
good place to hash them out. Ideas?
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
"Peter Anderson" <> on 12/11/2000
05:54:13 PM
Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <>
Sent by:
To: "Netview List (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: [NV-L] HSRP status handling
Thanks Joel,
I agree it's nothing to do with the auto-delete interval (I just put that
in case someone thought that was the cause)
HSRP are virtual interfaces which aren't attached to a specific node (maybe
NV does, but in real life it's not).
They are associated with specific interface on TWO routers. If both those
interfaces are Admin down, NV should either delete the HSRP altogether
(preferable where the HSRP moves to another two routers), or mark it Admin
Peter Anderson
Senior Communications Analyst
Ph: 0011 61 2 99025938
<Remove ETER from my address to reply>
Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do
not necessarily represent those of Westpac Banking Corporation.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel A. Gerber
Sent: Monday, 11 December 2000 21:56
To: 'IBM NetView Discussion'
Subject: RE: [NV-L] HSRP status handling
This is not really an HSRP issue. The "auto-delete interval" as you called
it, is not for interfaces, but for nodes. You usually have to manually
delete interfaces that are removed from a device with multiple interfaces,
like a router.
Joel A. Gerber - USAA Information Technology Co. - San Antonio, TX
* (210)913-4231 * "
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Anderson []
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 18:29
To: Netview List (E-mail)
Subject: [NV-L] HSRP status handling
We have NV6.0.1 on Solaris 2.7.
A lot of our Cisco routers have HSRP addresses.
We have an occurrence where the two routers had the interface changed to
Admin down, and this was reflected correctly in
However, the associated HSRP interface icon is still marked as "Down" and
has been for two weeks (auto-delete interval is one week).
Should NV be marking the HSRP interface Admin down also - or should it be
deleting the HSRP interface?
Peter Anderson
Senior Communications Analyst
Westpac Banking Corporation
Ph: 0011 61 2 99025938
Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not
necessarily represent those of Westpac Banking Corporation.
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