I'm on 5.1.3, but I don't think this part has changed.
See following sample from ARF:
MenuBar "IBW"
<80> "Addresses..." f.action "ibw_addresses";
Action "ibw_addresses"
Command '/local/scripts/bdi-stuff/ibw_addresses_wrapper.sh';
From the script: ibw_addresses_wrapper.sh:
. /etc/Tivoli/setup_env.sh
unset OVwSessionLoc # We don't use NetView map selections
# Input, variables...
xnmappmon -commandTitle "Addresses"\
-headingLine 1\
-appendSelectList -appendSelectListToTitle\
-cmd ${CMD}
This leaves the selection field always empty, wether or not something is
selected on the map.
From the script: ibw_adresses.sh:
. /etc/Tivoli/setup_env.sh
unset OVwSessionLoc # We don't use NetView map selections
NODE=$1 # Input from wrapper script
echo "Help text" 1>&2
# Get and format interfaces table
rnetstat -Ix ${NODE} | cut -c 27-
Unfortunately this displays "Help text" in the "Messages" field only on
completion of the script (like a "usage message").
At 09:51 07-03-2001 -0600, you wrote:
>NetView 6.0.2 (yeah!) on AIX 4.3.3. I'm still tinkering with xnmappmon and
>invoking it from the Tools menu within NetView.
>1) According to the V6 Programmer's Guide page 27-28, to define the
>application menu structure I have the option of using "f.menu" for a new
>menu item. I can also use "f.action" for the application startup or "!" to
>"invoke shell commands into the menu selections". Can someone provide an
>example of the syntax for the "!" item or further clarify the use of this
>2) Once (or if) I get xnmappmon to open correctly, I'd like to place
>the help file contents into the lower portion (Messages section) of the
>xnmappmon window. This will guide the user on how to use the application w/o
>having to open help. I have a help file created and it works using the
>Help>On Application selection. I tried using cat to stderr or cat to stdout
>but neither worked. How can I accomplish this?
>Thanks in advance.
>Ray Westphal
>Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
>NV-L List information and Archives: http://www.tkg.com/nv-l