Hi all,
I am using netview 6.0.1 on aix 4.3.3.
I am using location.conf with the following
NENET 10 State
NEWMATAF city 10.11-18 city
VLAN103 10.11.103 Site NEWMATAF
VLAN104 10.11.104 Site NEWMATAF
VLAN201 10.12.101 Site NEWMATAF
that worked fine for me until last weak, e.g at the
Vlan103 map I got (On the most detailed map ALL the nodes which had
ip address start with 10.11.103).
In the last week, after I deleted the Nv6000 data
base, I am getting only the snmp-managed nodes in the proper map,
Most of the nodes (which are not snmp manage) fail
into the State. This happens in most of the Vlans but not in all of
What could possibly change????
Is It a subnet-masking problem.
Any help will be highly
Uri Cohen