Hello Everyone.
AIX with NetView 6.0.2 and native NetView database.
I'm trying to create a simple http screen which contains a list of marginal
and critical frame relay routers.
I'm not worried about the http output creation as much as the NetView
database search. The job has to run quickly.
Eventually there will be 4,000+ routers. So far it takes 3 steps.
cron job runs several times a day to update a list of frame relay routers
1) run an nvdbformat command to find all objects with SNMP ifType~Frame
2) run nvdbimport command to set object attribute isFrameRelay=True
cron job runs every 5 minutes
3) nvUtil e "('isFrameRelay'=True) && ('IP Status'=Marginal)" "%IP
Hostname%" > marginal.file
nvUtil e "('isFrameRelay'=True) && ('IP Status'=Critical)" "%IP
Hostname%" > critical.file
Is there a better way to find the answer?