Since I started down this road, I guess I will finish it by publishing my
notes on what the remote install of trapgend does.
I offer these "as is". I don't recommend that you use them (we might
always change things in the next round of maintenance, which is why using
the remote method is better, if not simpler.
How to manually install trapgend:
On the remote node
1. create the following directories
2. and give them these permissions
chmod 755 /usr/OV
chmod 755 /usr/OV/bin
chmod 777 /usr/OV/log
chmod 777 /usr/OV/sockets
chmod 755 /usr/OV/pids
chmod 755 /usr/OV/lrf
3. ftp these files in binary
put /usr/OV/bin/nv6000_subagent
put /usr/OV/bin/trap-notify
put /usr/OV/bin/trap-notify.add
put /usr/OV/lrf/trapgend.lrf
put /usr/OV/bin/trapgend
4. do checksum against each binary on the host and then again on the
remote node to verify ftp was good
5. execute odmadd usr/OV/bin/trap-notify.add
6. chmod 555 /usr/OV/bin/nv6000_subagent
6. edit /etc/snmpd.conf and add this, where is the IP
address of the NetView box to where the traps should be sent
trap public 1.2.3 fe # loopback
smux nv6000 # NetView for AIX: trapgend
7. edit /etc/snmpd.peers
trapgend nv6000 # NetView for AIX: trapgend
8. restart snmpd
stopsrc -s snmpd
startsrc -s snmpd
9. edit /etc/rc.tcpip
nv6000_subagent trapgend x start
9. Enter nv6000_subagent trapgend x start and see if it starts
10. You should see a coldstart trap in the NetView events window or
11. Enter errupdate
= AA8AB241:
ctrl-d ctrl-d
12. Enter errlogger hi
you should see an OPMSG trap in NetView
13. If you don't see the trap, then run this command:
odmget -q en_name=trap-notify errnotify
You should get this result
en_pid = 0
en_name = "trap-notify"
en_persistenceflg = 1
en_label = ""
en_crcid = 0
en_class = ""
en_type = ""
en_alertflg = "TRUE"
en_resource = ""
en_rtype = ""
en_rclass = ""
en_symptom = ""
en_method = "/usr/OV/bin/trap-notify /usr/OV/sockets/trapgend.socket $1"
James Shanks
Level 3 Support for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group