Good question. The key to understanding symbol color at the network
and segment level is understanding that a node, in a given network or
segment, has status from the point of view of that network or segment.
That is, a device with two interfaces, one up and one down, will be red in
the network on which it has a down interface, and green in the network
on which it has an up interface. Yet at the top level map, it will be
And the node submap, the one that shows its cards, will have one red
and one green card, regardless of how you navigated to that submap.
The color of a segment or network symbol depends on the interfaces
on that segment. They have a status source of compound. The
status source of the node symbols in those network and segment
submaps will be symbol, so that it can be programmatically set by
ipmap depending on which network or segment submap you are in.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
Robin James
<robin.james@thal To: NetView Discussion
<>> cc:
Subject: [nv-l] IP Internet
submap colours
09/27/2002 07:26
How is the colour calculated for the symbols under the segment level
submaps for a node? I used the describe symbol command and found the
symbol status source is set to symbol. The Administrator's manual
describes how compound status works but I can't find how Netview
calculates the status for a symbol source.
I see different results. For example. One node symbol is yellow and
explodes to four interface symbols where two are red and two are green.
Another node symbol is red and explodes to two interface symbols where
one is red and one is green.
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