Frank, in the future, please direct your inquiries to the list. I am not
permitted to take individual problems off the list.
But you are correct, mib2trap works only on one MIB at a time. You could
write a script to do your wildcarding but that would be the only way.
Even then I don't think that's what you really want to do, even if you
think so. The default format for most traps is "LOGONLY" and even then it
logs just the enterprise id, the specific id, and all the varbinds. You
really will want to examine the mib2trap output, the script file, and
probably change it somewhat. If not, then you will probably be changing
the traps defs later with xnmtrap. Your choice.
What's the deal? That's a lot of MIBs at one time. Are you getting lots
of "no fmt found" messages in trapd.log? Are you trying to clone some
existing OpenView system? Then it might just be easier to extract the
trap defs from them and edit trapd.conf manually. You can do that so long
as you observe all the positional requirements -- copy some existing def
and then change the copy. When you are done you can just issue, "event
-e FMTCHG" to get trapd to load the new file. If it has errors, he'll
tell you the line number in an event. Make a backup copy of the file
first in case you have problems.
James Shanks
Level 3 Support for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group
"DePhillips, Frank" <>
05/21/2003 05:52 PM
To: James Shanks/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Subject: RE: [nv-l] loading mibs through web console and
trapd.conf is not getting
up dated
Thanks for the info. According to the man page looks like the mib2trap
must be run for each mib and can not do large amounts at one time. If I
have 25 mibs in one directory can I just use the * wilcard and do all at
-----Original Message-----
From: James Shanks []
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [nv-l] loading mibs through web console and trapd.conf is
not getting up dated
You are laboring under some kind of OpenView misconception again. NetView
is not OpenView. They shared a common code base in 1991 but have diverged
eve since. Loading MIBs will not update trapd.conf in NetView. You must
run mib2trap, a standalone executable in /usr/OV/bin, or the - -mib2Trap
option in the web console, to create an output script file. This file
will contain addtrap statements which you may then examine and edit before
executing, if you like.. You execute the output script file and that adds
the traps to trapd.conf.
James Shanks
Level 3 Support for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group
"DePhillips, Frank" <>
05/21/2003 04:45 PM
Subject: [nv-l] loading mibs through web console and
trapd.conf is not getting up
I have loaded mibs through the web console and the snmpserver is
restarted once the mib is committed but the trapd.conf is not getting
updated. Have I missed a step or should it be updating through this mib
loader process?
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