Ok, here is potentially an easy one with a bit of work. The trigger is ">
0" the rearm is "<= 0". You should get a trap on either condition.
Then in trapd.conf configuration or in a ruleset you call a script that
takes the information and generates a new trap....VPN interface down or
VPN interface up based on the snmpcollect threshold traps. Your script
should receive the MIB instances that relate to the specific
you might walk the MIB and get some more information that you put into your
VPN traps before you regenerate them.
Stephen Hochstetler
International Technical Support Organization at IBM
Office - 512-838-6198 (t/l 678) FAX - 512-838-6931
adam.paisley@elek To:
07/08/2003 11:39 Subject: [nv-l] VPN staue
Hi list,
I'm a little stuck for an approach to generate events for when a vpn
interface goes down.
The mib table contains the vpn status for a number of vpn tunnels. These
are reported as a 1 for up and 0 for down.
Initially I thought I'd use a simple data collection and threshold, but the
trigger is > "a value" and re-arm <= "a value" - this is the opposite to
how the device is working.
I'm thinking that this is a fairly standard thing to be able to solve - can
anyone offer any pointers on how to do this - I've checked the archive & it
only seems to mention calculating positive thresholds. A thought I've got
is that I can set the threshold > 0 and re-arm <=0 which will cause it to
trigger all the time, then use a rule to get the mib value (will the trap
include that?) and then do something with it in the rule to decide if it
should be sent onwards to TEC.
Any thoughts appreciated.
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