Can you ping these addresses in your seedfile? Do you have more than
one NetView map (Use the File -> Open Map menu to see what maps you have).
You can use the ovobjprint command to see everything in the NetView
object database - the command on its own will show everything. Does
that show just your NetView machine and its segment and network, or does
ovobjprint show other nodes? If you only have NetView in the database,
I would suspect communications problems. If there are other nodes, then
it is a map / database problem.
If you use the "limit discovery to this seedfile" then NetView will ONLY
find those nodes, at best. I would turn that option off and allow
NetView to discover nodes through his automatic discovery algorithm and
see what else you find - leave in your specific addresses as the
algorithm will find those first. You should also ensure that nodes with
specific entries in the seedfile DO respond to SNMP from NetView - have
you checked community names (try the snmpwalk <box you want to test>
command to see whether NetView can get SNMP answers from a device).
Jane wrote:
Hi, I have put specific IP adresses on the seed file to force NV to
discover them but even though that the host does not appear in the maps.
Only the host that are in the local subnet are discovered(since the
instalation), but nothing else.
I used the option: limit discovery to this seed file (where my host
where), then used clear databases and when the new discovery is done
the only host that appears is the NV server...
Am I doing something wrong with the use of the seed file?
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