You might consider attending the IBM 5-day course on NetView for Unix
for Administrators. This covers many of the questions you are asking.
You can get info here:
Christopher J Petrina wrote:
Hi All,
Looking to find out where I can get detailed information about things
like AutoDiscovery, mpaings of devices, how new devices are discovered
via SNMP.
Autodiscovery: information on how it performs autodiscovery on a
router, such as when a new router is added to the seedfile, does it
first do a traceroute to get to the device, and if this device is a
WAN device does it use the serial interface out of the LAN over the
WAN to the device as the primary object Identification for that
device. Does ituse arp table lookups to find the device? Things of
that detail
Also more indepth about location.conf, such as I have two routers
which serve as the WAN entry points. each router has a set of subnets
for each site attached to it. the serial interface on the near side
and the serial interface on the far side. in a location.conf file how
would I dictate where to put the subnet(network). I know that gateways
belong outside the sub containers.
I have looked through all the redbooks and the release notes, admin
guides, user guides but there is not much int he way of intense detail
about these things?
Thanks for the Help
Chris Petrina
Tivoli Certified Consultant & Instructor
Skills 1st Limited, 2 Cedar Chase, Taplow, Bucks, SL6 0EU, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1628 782565
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