James, these messages maybe clear to you
since you deal with Netview day-in day-out. Fortunately my work is a little
broader then that.
I only mark my emails urgent so as to get
them across our gateways quicker. I don't expect people to drop what they
are doing to answer my questions.
This is a great list, and I do appreciate
its content and assistance.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
[mailto:owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com] On
Behalf Of James Shanks
Sent: Thursday,
January 29, 2004 4:13 PM
To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] nvcorrd.blog
The messages you cite are
as clear as they can be taken out of context.
You have a ruleset which is trying to determine whether the host that is the
origin of the trap ($A) is contained in the smartset DNNSOView
but the host that is the origin of the trap is apparently not in your object
database because it's object id could not be determined.
If you think that this is an error, then you would have to turn on full nvcorrd
tracing (nvcdebug -d all) so that the trap causing the problem and how it is
handled shows up in the log as well.
By the way, why is it that all your questions to the list seem to be sent as
If you really have an urgent problem then perhaps you should open it to
I don't wish to be rude, but this is a user forum after all and not a bona fide
IBM Support channel, so no one here even owes you an answer, let alone a quick
one. When I have one, for example, I always try to respond as quickly as time
James Shanks
Level 3 Support for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and Windows
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group
Fawad" <Fawad.Qureshi@ssa.gov>


Fawad" <Fawad.Qureshi@ssa.gov>
Sent by:
01/29/04 01:34 PM
Please respond to nv-l

"'nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com'" <nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com>
Subject: [nv-l] nvcorrd.blog
NV 7.1.3 / AIX 5.1
somebody shed some light on following entry taken from nvcorrd.blog? I have
several hundered of these.
11:44:11 NVcollDnode.C[127] : Object not found
11:44:11 NVcollDnode.C[123] : NVCollCmpDnode::Resolve NVCollCm
Origin contained in DNNSOView) Failed, no objid for attr Origin, re
object = 2887353597, returned obj id = 0
I should
add that DNNSOView is a smartset on that we use as a source to create a dynamic
workspace to display certain type of events for the network operations people.