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[nv-l] Hardware requirements for NetView [ virengeprüft]

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: [nv-l] Hardware requirements for NetView [ virengeprüft]
From: tilo.strauch@rzleipzig.de
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 08:19:39 +0100
Delivery-date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 07:32:53 +0000
Envelope-to: nv-l-archive@lists.skills-1st.co.uk
Reply-to: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Sender: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com

hi list,

I'm looking for some technical information about the hardware for Netview
7.1.4. Today we have in our object database:

Number of objects defined in the database: 9121

Total number of fields defined in the database is: 260.

Total number of field values in the database: 114223
         Number of Integer fields: 47632.
         Number of Boolean fields: 32352.
         Number of String fields: 28473.
         Number of Enum fields: 5766.

For the operating system we plan Linux. Does anyone have some information
about Hardware requirements?

Tilo Strauch
Deutsche Rentenversicherung
Rechenzentrum Leipzig e.V.
Tel.: +49 0341 9170-220
Fax:  +49 0341 9110-806

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  • [nv-l] Hardware requirements for NetView [ virengeprüft], tilo . strauch <=

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