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RE: [nv-l] Netview Web Client Question

To: "'nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com'" <nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com>
Subject: RE: [nv-l] Netview Web Client Question
From: "Duppong, Jason" <jason.duppong@thomson.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:10:03 -0500
Delivery-date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 16:10:47 +0100
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Sender: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Thank you very much for the explanation Oliver.  Having the confirmation on what we were suspecting is nice to have :)
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com [mailto:owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com] On Behalf Of Oliver Bruchhaeuser
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:47 AM
To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: RE: [nv-l] Netview Web Client Question


the acknowledge feature is at least effective for one map.
Because the web clients usually connects to the same map the acknowledge is "global" for all web clients.
Unless you would connect each web client to a different open r/o map and by having NVMAPGLOBALACK disabled.
However this wouldn't be very comfortable.

You can read about the env var NVMAPGLOBALACK in the NetView 7.1.4 Config Guide, page 81-83.

Something about the "mystery" setup scripts:
/usr/OV/bin/netview.pre (and/or /usr/OV/bin/applsetup) are for the gui (incl. ipmap which processes NVMAPGLOBALACK).
They are sourced in /usr/OV/bin/netview, /usr/OV/bin/nv6000
/usr/OV/bin/netnmrc.pre is for the dasemons.                            
It is sourced in /etc/netnmrc

B.t.w. You can see the actual global acknowledge status for the last opend map(s) with:
tail /usr/OV/log/ipmap.log

Hope this helps.


"Duppong, Jason" <jason.duppong@thomson.com>
Sent by: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com

21.10.2004 01:03
Please respond to

"'nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com'" <nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com>
RE: [nv-l] Netview Web Client Question

Hello again,
Just to get a basic question out of the way, do the web clients have
independence with respect to other web clients concerning the various
operations (particularly acks/unacks) you can do with the client even though
they are all connected to the same map that netviewd provides?  If the
answer is no, then I have learned a lot, but have to go back to the X
clients.  If the answer is yes, then would someone please confirm if they
have this working or not?  

The testing that we had done prior to my previous email never involved
netviewd.  We have done some more testing this afternoon using a combination
of netviewd and connecting the web client to the read-write map it provides.
Unfortunately,  our acknowledgements are still being propagated to all the
web clients regardless of the setting of NVMAPGLOBALACK.  I've searched
through the archives of this forum and the NVMAPGLOBALACK seems to have
caused confusion in the past (even Francois says it is a mystery below).
When I set the NVMAPGLOBALACK status in netview.pre or netnmrc.pre this
actual environment variable isn't even set in the netviewd processes
environment variables when you view them!  It did finally show up once I set
the environment manually, emptied the netview.pre (using the nv6000_smit
disable_globalack) and removed the netnmrc.pre.  Oddly enough, even with
NVGLOBALACK=0 netviewd is now adding the isAcknowledged property to the
objects that I acknowledge...????

When I sent my original message I figured that my requirement was unique,
wanting ACK/UNACK not to be propagated, but after looking through the
archive I realize this isn't all that odd of a request.  Now my only problem
is that I want to do it with web clients instead of real X clients.

I just realized that I have not stated what platform/version I'm using -
Redhat Linux 7.2 and Netview  We are testing with the Windows
version of the web clients provided with this version of Netview.

Thanks for your patience and reading...


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com [mailto:owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com] On
Behalf Of Francois Le Hir
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:56 AM
To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: RE: [nv-l] Netview Web Client Question

yes ... the confusion between netview.pre and netnmrc.pre has always be a
mystery .. different docs reference one or the other of the file. I usually
have both files, one being a link to the other (just in case).

You need to have this value set to 1 in order for the ACK status to be

As for the opened map, you can have only one Read/Write at a time so it's
either the netviewd daemon of the standard ovw X map. The Java consoles can
connect to either of the two. Maybe what you need to do is start a X display
of the read write map and have the java console connect to it. In order to
do that you use the command "netview -dconsole" to open the map and stopping
the netviewd daemon so that you will have the Read Write opened as a GUI.

If you don't do that, your display will be read Only and the java console
will have a choice between the two. They need to choose the one opened in
Read Write for it to work correctly.

Salutations, / Regards,

Francois Le Hir
Network Projects & Consulting Services
IBM Global Services
Phone: (514) 964 2145

            "Duppong, Jason"                                              
            omson.com>                                                 To
            Sent by:                  "'nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com'"          
            owner-nv-l@lists.         <nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com>            
            us.ibm.com                                                 cc
            10/20/2004 11:38          RE: [nv-l] Netview Web Client      
            AM                        Question                            
            Please respond to                                            

Thanks for the response.  I do not have a netnmrc.pre file in /usr/OV/bin,
but I do have a /usr/OV/bin/netview.pre.  This file contains the entries you
mentioned so my colleague and I have played with the settings by removing
the lines in the file and setting the variable to 0.  Either way the Web
Client and the map it is connected to reflect the same status when we
Acknowledge or Unacknowledge a problem.  I've looked up this option in the
archives for this forum and people seem to want to do exactly what we are
trying to do, but I'm guessing they may have been using the X client instead
of the web client.

I also looked at the /etc/init.d/netnmrc startup script.  It references the
file you mentioned so we created the /usr/OV/bin/netnmrc.pre file and
changed the values to 0 then restarted Netview.  Web clients still modified
the map they were connected to and thus all web clients eventually indicated
the same state.

When we have started multiple X clients we have noticed that the web client
offers us a choice of which map to connect to.  Is the web client just a
"webinized" interface for an X client and has no real independence?

Thanks again for any responses


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com [mailto:owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com] On
Behalf Of Francois Le Hir
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:50 AM
To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Netview Web Client Question


do you have


in /usr/OV/bin/netnmrc.pre ?

Salutations, / Regards,

Francois Le Hir
Network Projects & Consulting Services
IBM Global Services
Phone: (514) 964 2145

            "Duppong, Jason"
            omson.com>                                                 To
            Sent by:                  "'nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com'"
            owner-nv-l@lists.         <nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com>
            us.ibm.com                                                 cc

            10/19/2004 02:15          [nv-l] Netview Web Client Question

            Please respond to

I support a group of users that currently make use of the X Client for
various tasks.  From what I've been able to tell the Web Client would
provide nearly all features this group needs except for the ability to
independently acknowledge/unacknowledged events.  During testing I've
created separate logins to the web client as well as used the same logins
and nothing seems to allow us to independently respond to events.  When
someone uses the web client to acknowledge an event, all web clients update
with the acknowledgement as well as the Read/Write map.  If we acknowledge
the event on a read-only X client only that client is updated while the web
clients and the read/write map remain unchanged.  Based on the documentation
I've read, this makes sense since the web client uses the Read/Write map,
but I would think that since the Web Client is a separate application that
you can 'install' it would have the same or similar capabilities with
respect to the acknowledgement feature.

Anyone know if this is just an accepted limitation of the web client or is
there a backdoor modification one could do to get similar functionality with
the X client?


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