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Re: [nv-l] Ddell powerConnect switch supported MIBS

To: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Subject: Re: [nv-l] Ddell powerConnect switch supported MIBS
From: James Shanks <jshanks@us.ibm.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 08:50:06 -0400
Delivery-date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:50:36 +0100
Envelope-to: nv-l-archive@lists.skills-1st.co.uk
In-reply-to: <42DF84F0.2010009@bellsouth.net>
Reply-to: nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Sender: owner-nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com
Paul's suggestion is a good one, but there is also another possibility.

It may be that there is a conflict between some old MIB you already have
loaded and this new MIB you are trying to load. This kind of thing happens
when the IETF issues a new RFC that supersedes an old one or a vendor
issues an updated MIB.

If you cannot find duplicate labels in the MIB you are trying to load, then
I suggest this procedure to determine what other MIB might contain it.
First go to /usr/OV/conf/ and issue
      grep portType snmpmib
and see whether you get a hit.  snmpmib is the text file created by the
SNMPv1 MIB loader.  All MIBs when loaded get copied in their text form
here.  There is a matching binary file, snmpmib.bin.  These files must be
kept in synch by the xnmloadmib loader, so do not add or delete anything
from them except by using that tool, or you may have to start over and
rebuild the files.   But if you get a hit using grep, then opens that file
in an editor of  some flavor, for browsing only, and find that label.  Then
scroll back up the file until you find the most previous BEGIN statement.
That will be the BEGIN clause for that MIB.  The name of  MIB file to
unload will be visible just above it.  Take note of that file name and exit
your editor without altering the snmpmib file.   Now you can use xnmloadmib
to unload that MIB and your new one should load without incident, provided
you have all the correct pre-reqs.

Problems?  Too complicated?  Then call Support, and send them your files
and the new MIB file, and let them do it for you.

You might consider making backup copies of snmpmib and snmpmib.bin before
you start, just in case.

James Shanks
Level 3 Support  for Tivoli NetView for UNIX and Windows
Tivoli Software / IBM Software Group

             h.net>                                                     To 
             Sent by:                  nv-l@lists.us.ibm.com               
             owner-nv-l@lists.                                          cc 
                                       Re: [nv-l] Ddell powerConnect       
             07/21/2005 07:20          switch supported MIBS               
             Please respond to                                             

This looks like a broken mib to me. MIBs are not so complicated you cannot
see what is happening. Open the MIB in your favorite text editor and do a
search for portEntry(use the correct case, it might make it easier). Then
there should be a number of branch entries right below where portEntry
is defined. There appear to be duplicate entries. Just through looking at
other parts of the mib and comparing to this part, especially in regards to
the entries for portType, portName and portIndex you could see the problem.
You might also try  searching for those words, as it looks like the
compiler is
complaining about the children of portEntry having the same name(and
possibly index also). Its really not black magic, though some might

If you cant get it at all, send a link to the mib maybe someone here can


Jorge Jiles wrote:

> Netview 7.1.4 on Solaris 8
> Does anyone have clean copies of mibs supported by the Dell Power
> Connect 5224 type of switch? One of these switches is having some
> performance issues and I would like to gather some snmp stats from it.
> I downloaded the private dell mib powerConnect-4.mib from mibdepot.com
> and dell.com but it gives me an error while compiling it.
> Error: Two child nodes of portEntry, portType(5) and portType(3) have
> the same label.
> Error: two child nodes of portEntry, portName(4) and portName(2) have
> the same label.
> Error: Two child nodes of portEntry, portIndex(2) and portIndex(1)
> have the same label.
> Thanks for any help.
> Jorge A Jiles
> Network Analyst
> Academic Information and Communication  Technologies (AICT)
> (Formerly CNS)
> University of Alberta
> Edmonton, Alberta
> Canada

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